These classic mini chicken pot pies are perfect for using leftover chicken and stretching it into a new amazing meal. Creamy delicious sauce with a flaky crunchy puff pastry top. An easy comforting meal packed with lots of veggies and it is going to be your family's new favorite.
Heat butter in a large pan on medium heat. Add onion, poultry seasonings, and thyme and cook for a few minutes until the onion is softened. Season with salt and black pepper as you go.
Add in chopped carrot, celery, and garlic. Cook for 8-10 minutes until the carrot has softened.
Add in flour, mix thoroughly, and cook for 1-2 minutes until it's golden brown. Gradually pour in the chicken stock while stirring. This will prevent lumps from forming and we'll get smooth luscious sauce.
Add chicken, cream, and parsley. Stir and mix well. Cook for 1-2 minutes and check for final seasoning. Turn the heat off. Add in frozen peas and mix well. Cool the filling completely before continuing with the puff pastry.
I'm using 6 bowls of 12 oz (350ml). Cut the puff pastry, 1 inch bigger than the size of the bowl. Divide the fillings into the bowls, brush the rims, and 1 inch on the sides with egg wash.
Place puff pastry each on top, pressing a bit on the sides, and brush them with egg wash. Make 3 slits on top for venting, sprinkle with some salt and black pepper.
Bake in a preheated oven at 360ºF (180ºC) for 30-40 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy!
Cool the filling completely before covering the bowls with puff pastry. This is to avoid the hot steam melting the butter in the puff pastry and preventing it from puffing up later when baked in the oven.
Use a portable oven thermometer to get the accurate oven temperature. I use it every single time I bake.
Place the bowls in a baking tray so it's easier to move them in and out of the oven, plus avoid any drippings if there should be any.