4.5ozfrozen spinach(130 gr), thawed & water squeezed out
5.3ozshredded mozzarella(150 gr)
5.3ozshredded cheddar(150 gr)
⅔cupsour cream(160 ml)
1teaspoongarlic powder
1teaspooncurry powder
some melted butter for brushing
The Curry Bread
Mix honey with warm water and then sprinkle dry yeast. Leave for the yeast to activate, around 5 minutes.
Into a stand mixing bowl, add in the rest of the ingredients including the yeast mixture. Mix to incorporate and then knead for 10 minutes. Make the dough into a ball and place it into an oiled bowl. Coat the top surface with some oil and cover the bowl tightly with a cling film. Leave for the dough to rise until double its size in a warm and draft free place.
After doubled in size, place the dough on a working surface and lightly knead it into a log. Cut it into 12 equal pieces and form each piece into a ball.
Arrange the balls in a buttered 10 ¼ inch (26 cm) cast iron skillet, leaving an empty space in the middle. Place a 6 inch (15 cm) pan that has been buttered on the outside, in that empty space. Brush the balls with some melted butter and cover the skillet loosely with a cling film. Set aside for the balls to puff up a bit, around 30 minutes.
The Dip
Chop the spinach into small pieces and place it in a bowl together with the rest of the dip ingredients. Mix everything well. Set aside.
Once the balls have puffed up, remove the cling film and gently lift up the pan in the middle and set it aside. Put the dip mixture into the empty space in the middle.
Bake in a preheated oven at 360ºF (180ºC) for 40 minutes or until fully cooked. Place an aluminium loosely on top if the bread browns too fast. Serve and enjoy!