This easy Brazilian cheese bread recipe is definitely a must-make for cheese lovers. Crispy on the outside, and soft, chewy with airy pockets on the inside. You won't be able to stop eating them, trust me.
Preheat the oven to 400ºF (200ºC). Prepare a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Add milk, oil, and salt into a pot, and bring to a boil on medium heat, stirring now and then.
While still hot, pour it into a bowl containing tapioca flour. Mix using a wooden spoon until you get a crumbly dough. Leave for a few minutes until it's warm to the touch before adding the eggs. Mix thoroughly.
Lastly, mix in the cheese. You'll get sticky dough at first. Knead for a few minutes on a working surface until nothing sticks to your hands. Cleaning your hands from the sticky dough bits or oiling them will help.
Roll the dough into 1-inch balls, and place them on the baking tray 1 inch apart.
Bake on the middle rack for 25 minutes or until they're golden brown. Enjoy!
Wait until the dough is warm to the touch before adding in the eggs. This is to avoid the eggs being cooked with the hot dough.
If the dough is too sticky and you can't manage it, no worries. Cover it with a cling film and leave it for 10-20 minutes. It'll be not as sticky as time passes.
Kneading with clean (no sticky dough bits) or oiled hands will help bring the dough together faster.